Once again the neighbors on Brewster have graciously offered their street for the festivities. I want to thank the neighbors and other individuals who have volunteered to host this event. It is such a great neighborhood party. We live in a very special place and this summer event is something no one should miss.

Please remember that all social events are self funded and do not draw money from the general fund. The generosity of so many people shows a shared commitment to the idea that neighbors are important. Relationships make our community a safer and happier place to live. Please be generous and donate on our website under “Donations”, then at community events under Eid/Summer Block Party.  Here’s the link: https://spa-assoc.square.site/

Don’t forget to 

  • Reserve tomorrow June 23rd  for the Eid/Summer Block Party!
  • Bring a chair if you want to sit down!
  • Bring and share a dessert if you can!

See you around the neighborhood,
Your SPA Board