All Ghouls, Goblins, Superheroes, and strange creatures are to assemble at the corner of Eastham and Woodland at One O’clock this coming Sunday, October 27th.

We will parade through the neighborhood, along Eastham, down Middlebury, along Brewster, and down Longmeadow making lots of noise and ending up at Longmeadow and Boone for treats and fun. There will be cider and donuts for all who wish to join the fun!

All neighbors are welcome to join in by parading along, or just cheering the children as they pass by your house. Each year more neighbors chose to participate by decorating their homes and handing out candy at the bottoms of their drives to the passing parade. If you are on a cul de sac, let me know in advance and we will make a detour to let the parade pass your home. Perhaps you can organize a group of neighbors to stand on the route to pass candy and enjoy the kids’ effort.

Please contact me, Cindy Polakowski, at 982-1982 or at and let me know if you and yours plan to attend so I can get an idea of a headcount for treats. Candy donations will be gladly accepted at 15700 Longmeadow.

All volunteers are welcome and appreciated. Many hands make it much more fun.

As usual, both these activities are not supported by our general fund dues and we need to rely on our neighbors to value and donate to these great community events. Donations will gladly be accepted at the end of the Halloween Parade. You can also donate at our Square page easily accessible on our website or here.   

Hope to see you on Sunday!

See You There! — Eastham and Woodland at One O’clock